new CBTC (community based tourism center) in POPEL, Phnom Kulen Mountain open now!

Siem Reap, le 21/12/2021
Terre Cambodge and ADFKULEN are proud to inform you that a new CBTC (Community Based Tourism Center) in POPEL, Phnom Kulen National Park is now OPEN!
We are now able to welcome Cambodian and international visitors, nature lovers and trekkers in this beautiful mountain. After the first CBTC in Along Thom (build last year during Covid, we are now ready with our second center. You will find there some nice information boards which will help the traveler to discover this holy mountain (fauna, flora and history) and understand also the threat of a deforestation that the National Park is facing. This center is managed by the local community and will offer some half and full day package trekking tour to discover the forest and wild waterfall. We are also promoting a women association up the Kulen Mountain specialised in Handicraft and thanks to Phirom’s help we hope that this ancestral tradition will continue et be popular among the Cambodians.

Welcome to POPEL’s CBCT and see you soon on the mysterious trails of Phnom Kulen.

Terre Cambodge:
Kulen Crafts: Phirom Chhun

Special thanks to Phirom Chhum, JB Chevance CBTC Popel, HUMMY and UNDP